Lesson Plan

Climate Change



In this lesson, students will examine diverse perspectives and gather insights into the scientific, social, and political dimensions of climate change. This lesson aims to empower students to become environmentally conscious citizens who can meaningfully contribute to the ongoing dialogue and efforts surrounding climate change. By gaining knowledge, fostering critical thinking skills, and expressing their ideas, students will play an important role in shaping a resilient future for our planet.


  • ​​Analyze and evaluate diverse perspectives surrounding the climate debate, including scientific, social, and political viewpoints.
  • Apply critical thinking skills to navigate the complexity of climate change, exploring its challenges and potential solutions.
  • Engage in informed discussions and articulate personal visions for the future of our planet's environment.


  • What is one important thing you thought was accomplished here?
  • Is there a next step you would like to take based upon the conversation you just had?

Step-by-Step Guide


  1. Students will spend 20-30 min looking at the Red Blue Translator™ terms listed above or at current events on the Environment Topic Page. 
  2. Divide students into small groups, preferably with a mix of biases. 
  3. Choose from the following list of discussion questions, and give students time to discuss them in small groups. If time permits, also have students come back into a larger class-wide discussion to share their thoughts.

Discussion Questions

  • Do you believe humans are to blame for the increase in greenhouse gasses, said to cause climate change? Why or why not?
  • Are you an environmentalist? Why or why not? What does that mean you do or don’t do?
  • What does the word “environmentalist” mean to you? Can you name three things that the word represents to you?
  • Is the negative push-back to this word deserved, at all, in your opinion?
  • To those who have a negative view of this word: what, in your opinion, are they (self-proclaimed environmentalists) not understanding (that you do)? Alternatively, what are they understanding (that others do not)?
  • Would you call yourself a global warming denier, alarmist, skeptic, or believer? Or would some other term best describe your views?
  • How did you arrive at the views you now hold about global warming? On what evidence or sources do you base your opinion?
  • When people disagree with you about global warming, what do you say? How do you support your case? How do they support their case?