Congratulations to Straight Arrow News (Center bias), which has achieved AllSides Balance Certification™ for the second year in a row!

AllSides Balance Certification™ is awarded to exemplary media outlets that have met our strict criteria for balance. It signifies news reporting that is substantially free from partisan political bias or equally balances left, center, and right perspectives.

SAN Rated Center in AllSides Media Bias Audit™

A multipartisan panel of reviewers trained to spot bias rated SAN's written and video news content as nearly dead Center in an Editorial Review.

A Blind Bias Survey of over 800 Americans also returned a result of nearly dead Center, with respondents in all bias groups rating SAN as Center on average.

The final AllSides Media Bias Rating™ for Straight Arrow News, which incorporates reviews from last year, is Center, or +0.17 on the AllSides Media Bias Meter™.

Note: Not all Center-rated outlets are Balance Certified, but all Balance Certified outlets are rated Center.

What's An AllSides Media Bias Audit™?

Only news organizations that undergo an AllSides Media Bias Audit can qualify for Balance Certification. During a Media Bias Audit, we use a combination of our core rating methods to assess bias:

  • Blind Bias Surveys (Americans across the political spectrum rate news bias without knowing the source)
  • Editorial Reviews (a multipartisan panel of reviewers looks for types of bias)
  • Small Group Editorial Reviews (a smaller, multipartisan panel rates bias)

AllSides Media Bias Audits reveal whether audiences see political bias in news reporting and provide actionable insights to help news teams output more balanced, trustworthy news. 

Organizations like SAN may commission AllSides to perform a Media Bias Audit to learn more about their bias. However, AllSides Balance Certification™ is not available for purchase. It is only awarded if news content meets or surpasses very strict criteria.

Sign up to be a bias reviewer.