Media Bias Alert: New Report Says Obama CIA Illegally Spied on Trump

A new report from independent journalists Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi claims the CIA asked foreign allies to illegally spy on former President Donald Trump in the run-up to the 2016 election. Despite being covered by many sources from the Right, no sources from the Center or Left picked up the report, displaying bias by omission.
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When the Democrats Tell Young People To Wait Their Turn

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez received one minute to address the Democratic National Convention this week. That’s only one minute more than I got. Joe Biden frequently talks about himself as a transition to a new generation of political leadership. But the Democrats’ future has not been on...
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Story of the Week: Supreme Court Hears DACA Case

Tracking impeachment: The first publicly televised hearings in the impeachment inquiry into President Trump were held Tuesday, as former diplomat Bill Taylor offered investigators new details of Trump's engagement with Ukraine. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) came before the...
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Can't believe anyone would vote for "you know who"? Here's a hint - we like being right.

How can you vote for Trump with his hateful speech? How can you vote for Clinton with all her scandals? How can you vote for Sanders with no chance to win? And how can you be enthusiastic about it? Lots of people are very enthusiastic about their choice for President, despite these...
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Is President Obama over-reaching his Presidential powers? Depends on what you think about immigration.

Yesterday, I was reviewing our front page here at AllSides. Though our technology and the crowd drives much of what you see on our site, one of the things we still do manually is assign a title to our Top Story, the three headlines on the same topic from differing perspectives at the top...
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