Debilyn Molineaux

This piece originally appeared on It was written by Debilyn Molineaux (Lean Left bias).

It was a hot Sunday afternoon and I was scrolling on my phone, taking a break from the struggle of daily life, looking for future opportunities amid bleak choices. In the background, some mindless TV show was droning on. And then came the news I had somewhat expected. President Biden was pulling out of the 2024 presidential race and endorsing his Vice President, Kamala Harris. A tiny bud of hope bloomed in my heart. 

In a simple, yet humble statement, President Biden did what most of us would not. He chose to relinquish the most powerful position in the world without a fight. His decision to step aside for the sake of the nation demonstrated his immense yet often overlooked power of humility. In the subsequent weeks, a new sense of power emerged from its slumber. People power that might even be called a movement. 

During President Biden’s COVID isolation, he wrestled between his desire to win the election and the calls for him to stand down. While consulting with a few close allies and family members, he knew that this fight wasn’t about him. It was about our future. And he decided to pass the torch. This is why hope blossomed in the hearts of millions. When Biden stood down, we witnessed a dignified “end times” story. A story where we could honor, heal and move into a better future, without having to witness a death match by two octogenarians. President Biden is an ambitious man. But not so ambitious that he would see our nation destroyed in the battle for power. Better to let others take up the mantle.

Biden gave birth to a better story. Instead of a death match of 80-year-olds, we have a savvy, hip, joyful warrior and “the coach” who will help us become our better selves and a better Nation. Biden’s humble act is the beginning of a revival in our nation, where power might be wielded for the sake of the people. Yes, hope is very much alive. 

We see a potential future that looks bright, but we still have some tough times to get through. We all know that something is ending. We can all feel that our way of life is about to change and will never be the same again. As some of us are holding on as long as possible, others of us are saying bring it on. For all of us, the question is what comes next? 

What will the “powers that be” decide? And who holds the power to shape the future? For that matter, what is power? For millennia, people have sought to answer this seemingly simple question. For the completion of this essay, let’s focus on four primary forms of power, as it relates to the upcoming 2024 election and our shared future. 

  • Political power to wield the federal and state governments and shape our society.
  • Financial power to influence elected officials who wield political power.
  • People power where the accumulation of popular will is seen and heard; voting in elected officials who wield political power.
  • Narrative power where the use of information, stories, and propaganda is used to influence people's power.

Political Power is awarded by People Power and supported by Financial Power. Financial Power is used to craft Narrative Power to persuade People Power to grant Political Power. During election season, power moves around very quickly, snarling itself like a tangled ball of yarn. As a nation, what we need is to finish knitting a sweater before winter arrives; to prepare for our shared future.

It’s amazing our country has balanced these competing powers for nearly 250 years. We can thank our Founders for setting up a system of checks and balances, to mitigate the worst impulses of human behavior. Intended or not, the ultimate power in the United States lies in People Power. 

Just talking about these four types of power is clarifying. The process of self-governing isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s a time-consuming and messy process, like detangling  yarn. Other forms of governance are much more efficient, as long as we don’t mind giving up our freedom to choose for ourselves. 

In such a messy process, a little humility goes a long way. Sometimes, it’s holding space for others to be heard. Or listening deeply to the needs that are beneath an opinion. Often, it is expressing kindness when someone is hurting. This is where sharing some humble pie may help us all.

Oh sure, arrogance may look fun and flashy for a while. It can be fun to feel “better than those people.” A leader that exhibits arrogance might forget where their power comes from, thinking it is theirs alone, and demand obedience. Citizens are not supposed to be obedient. Citizens are the ultimate guardians of our nation. The insurance that freedom will continue for our descendants. Citizenship demands our time and diligence to build communities in which we want to live.

In the end, it’s up to us. Will we use our People Power in the healthiest way we know, assuring a future of opportunity for all? The 2024 election is our next opportunity to answer this question.