Headline RoundupSeptember 9th, 2024

How Significant is Tuesday's Trump-Harris Debate?

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Tonight in Philadelphia, former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris will participate in an ABC News (Lean Left bias) debate, the first matchup between the two nominees. How significant is the occasion?

‘Most Critical Moment’: Stephen Collinson of CNN (Left bias) described Trump as “the most menacing political foe of modern times” and argued Tuesday is Harris’ “best remaining chance… to drive home a decisive argument that could thwart Trump’s historic comeback.” Collinson cited key factors for Harris as convincing voters of her capability to handle the economy and migration and rebut “attacks and falsehoods from Trump.”

Swing State Voters: Max Burns, writing for The Hill (Center bias), mentioned key topics each candidate should address and how their responses could reshape the 2024 election. For Trump, Burns says he will have to convince female voters that he is more liberal than perceived to be on abortion, which Burns says will be a “tough sell.” For Harris, Burns says she must distance herself from Republican claims that she’s “flip-flopped” on key issues.

Press Failure: William McGurn of The Wall Street Journal (Lean Right bias) argued stakes will be high because the media hasn’t “insisted that Ms. Harris answer basic questions” since declaring her candidacy and that the debate could be “the only moment in the 2024 election” where Americans can see how she performs under pressure. McGurn concluded by saying Trump will have to do the media’s job himself by subjecting Harris to questions the media has not.

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