Headline RoundupAugust 19th, 2024

Protesters Rally as Democratic National Convention Begins

Summary from the AllSides News Team

On Monday, the 2024 Democratic National Convention convened in Chicago amid rallies and marches by protesters.

Key Details: Hundreds of LGBTQ and pro-abortion rights protesters rallied on Sunday night ahead of the Democratic National Convention. In addition, protesters with the Coalition to March are preparing a counterrally outside the event in opposition to the Biden-Harris administration's support for Israel during the almost 11-month war with Hamas.

Key Quote: “We have to play our part in the belly of the beast to stop the genocide, to end U.S. aid to Israel and stand with Palestine,” said Hatem Abudayyeh, a spokesperson for the Coalition to March on the DNC.

For Context: Demonstrators headed to the same monument of Union Army General John Logan that protesters climbed in an iconic moment during the protests at the 1968 Democratic National Convention. Chicago is being remembered for that infamous convention where police and anti-Vietnam war protesters were seen on live television violently clashing.

How the Media Covered it: Sources across the political spectrum noted that the Democratic Party is now mostly unified and energized, despite the anger and dissent that protesters are ready to display outside the security perimeter of the convention.

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