Headline RoundupAugust 16th, 2023

Nation Reflects on Inflation Reduction Act, One Year Later

Summary from the AllSides News Team

It has been one year since President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), a major Democrat-backed climate, healthcare, and tax law. How has it been implemented?

The Details: Despite its name, the IRA’s direct focus is not reducing inflation. Instead, the law includes about $360 billion in tax credits and investments to reduce carbon emissions. It also includes healthcare changes, like capping monthly co-pays for insulin at $35. To help pay for these changes, the IRA includes funding to modernize the IRS and imposes a minimum corporate tax rate of 15%. 

Key Quote: Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) — whose resistance to Democrats’ larger “Build Back Better” bill helped pave the way for the IRA — lauded the “historic” and “important” IRA but criticized “some across both parties” for playing “political games” with the law. “Make no mistake, the IRA is exactly the kind of legislation that in normal political times both political parties would proudly embrace,” Manchin added.

How the Media Covered It: Media coverage sometimes reflected a partisan divide but was often more mixed. A New Republic (Left bias) op-ed questioned whether the IRA was “fun enough” to get voters to support progressive climate policy, and a Fox News (Right bias) op-ed said the “disastrous law” added to inflation and the deficit. Meanwhile, the Washington Examiner (Lean Right bias) published a mostly neutral analysis of the IRA’s healthcare changes, and a Bloomberg (Lean Left bias) analysis discussed the law’s “mysterious” price tag, a key criticism from fiscal conservatives. 

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