Headline RoundupAugust 12th, 2024

Trump Campaign Says It Was Hacked by Iran

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign claimed over the weekend that its campaign’s emails had been hacked and blamed Iran for the breach.

Microsoft Report: On Thursday, Microsoft released a report that said Iran was ramping up its efforts to influence the U.S. presidential election. In the report, Microsoft claimed Iran sent a phishing email in June and “unsuccessfully attempted to log into an account belonging to a former presidential candidate,” whom the company had since notified.

Politico Report: On Saturday, Politico (Lean Left bias) published a report that claimed since July 22, it had been receiving emails from an anonymous AOL account with documents and communications from inside Trump’s campaign. Politico said two people familiar with them verified the documents as authentic.

For Context: Last week, a Pakistani national with ties to Iran was charged with plotting to assassinate high-ranking U.S. officials, potentially including Trump.

How The Media Covered It: The story was widely covered across the spectrum, with most outlets basing coverage on Microsoft and Politico’s reports.

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