Headline RoundupSeptember 10th, 2024

Trump Promises Marijuana Legalization Reform if Elected President

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Former President Donald Trump signaled he is in support of classifying marijuana as a less dangerous drug and would vote “yes” on a proposal to legalize it in Florida.

The Details: Trump made the comments on Sunday via his social media platform Truth Social.

For Context: Trump’s comments came just days before his first debate with Harris, which will take place on ABC News (Lean Left bias) on Tuesday night. The Florida proposal, Amendment 3, would allow the legal sale of marijuana to adults for any reason. 

Key Quotes: Trump wrote, “As President, we will continue to focus on research to unlock the medical uses of marijuana to a Schedule 3 drug, and work with Congress to pass common sense laws, including safe banking for state authorized companies, and supporting states rights to pass marijuana laws.” Joseph Costello, a Harris spokesperson, said in a statement on Monday, “Despite his blatant pandering, Donald Trump cannot paper over his extensive record of dragging marijuana reform backward.”

How The Media Covered It: Newsweek (Center bias) highlighted Republican perspectives that disagree with Trump. Reason (Lean Right bias) prominently wrote that “Unlike… Harris,” Trump “has not endorsed repealing federal pot prohibition.” Associated Press (Lean Left bias) prominently described Trump’s statement as “in line with Harris’ position.”

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