Headline RoundupAugust 21st, 2024

2024 Job Gains Revised Down by 818,000

Summary from the AllSides News Team

The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ annual jobs report revision revealed that 818,000 fewer jobs were created than initially reported through March in the largest downward revision since 2009.

The Details: "The average monthly job gain from April 2023 through March 2024 was 173,500 versus nearly 242,000, an analysis of BLS data shows," CNN Business (Lean Left bias) reported. The downward revision is a preliminary finding, and the numbers will not be finalized until February 2025. "The Fed will see the revisions as another reason to pull forward plans to reduce interest rates," said chief economist at Comerica Bank Bill Adams.

More Revisions to Come?: Several outlets and pundits noted discrepancies in the May jobs report, and expressed concern that the Biden administration was overstating jobs numbers.

How the Media Covered It: While all outlets noted that this was the largest revision since 2009 and fuels economic concerns, CNN added context that "Job growth was still historically strong...Economic data is revised often — especially as more comprehensive information becomes available — to provide a clearer, more accurate, picture of the dynamics at play." ZeroHedge (Lean Right bias) flagged that the jobs numbers might have been overstated by an estimated 800,000 back in March. 

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