Headline RoundupOctober 30th, 2023

Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses Face Bipartisan Criticism

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Anti-Israel protests on college campuses across the nation are drawing scorn and heightened criticism of higher education from across the spectrum.

From the Left: A writer in the Daily Beast (Left bias) argued the left-wing protests are a “profoundly incompetent, self-serving, narcissistic strategy that will probably set back many left-wing policy goals for the foreseeable future—including the cause for Palestinian self-determination.” The writer went on to tie the recent protests to a string of behaviors from a branch of the “far-left movement,” arguing some within the group have regularly “engaged in unnecessarily divisive behavior toward anyone who disagrees with their methods.” An article in Slate (Left bias) highlighted the Jewish Americans protesting Israel’s actions in Gaza, calling for the pro-Israel camp to “stop weaponizing our grief over our lost friends and family in Israel; stop genocide in our name.”

From the Right: A writer in the Washington Examiner (Lean Right bias) argued, “The team that claims it cherishes ‘inclusivity’ and ‘diversity’ more than anything else has embraced Hamas and its mission to annihilate a marginalized group.” Questioning the stated values of the “social justice crowd,” the writer asks, “how are they cheering actual war crimes, holding vigils for actual terrorists, and engaging in the most stridently antisemitic and fascistic behavior and rhetoric this side of World War II?” The writer determines, “Everything the social ‘justice’ crowd has told us about working for a more peaceable and inclusive tomorrow has been a lie.”

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