Headline RoundupAugust 19th, 2024

House GOP Releases Biden Impeachment Report

Summary from the AllSides News Team

The House Oversight, Ways and Means, and Judiciary Committees released a nearly 300-page report accusing President Joe Biden of impeachable offenses.

The Details: After almost a year of investigation, the three House committees concluded that Joe Biden engaged in "abuse of power” and “obstruction of justice or obstruction of Congress” by engaging in a $27 million “influence-peddling racket" related to foreign business dealings.

How the Media Covered It: Outlets on the right celebrated the report as "damning," and extensively quoted the report findings, and committee statements about the report. Outlets on the left dismissed the report, saying the allegations were not new and there was no proof that a crime was committed. CNN (Lean Left bias) said the report "recycles previous unsupported claims" about the Biden family.

What is the Impeachment Threshold?: While the New York Times (Lean Left bias) said there was no proof of a crime, House Republicans argued that the threshold for impeachment was lowered when the Democrats moved to impeach Trump. “In 2019, House Democrats asserted that impeachable offenses need not rise to the level of criminal conduct. The House may therefore impeach President Biden for noncriminal conduct that significantly impairs the political system or betrays the public trust," the report states. 

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