Headline RoundupJuly 4th, 2024

14 States Blocking Biden’s Title IX Expansion

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Expansion of Title IX rules by the Biden administration intended to protect LGBTQ+ students from discrimination were already blocked in 10 states, with a third federal judge issuing an injunction Tuesday, adding four more states to the list.

For Context: The Title IX expansion consisted of additions to the definition of “sex discrimination,” allowing for protections concerning sexual orientation and gender identity, and is scheduled to take effect on August 1. U.S. District Judge John Broomes’ ruling Tuesday added Alaska, Kansas, Utah, and Wyoming, as well as schools across the country with students connected to the Young America’s Foundation and Moms for Liberty.

Key Quotes: Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) said, “This final rule dumps kerosene on the already raging fire that is Democrats’ contemptuous culture war that aims to radically redefine sex and gender.” Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said the new rule makes “crystal clear that everyone can access safe schools” and that “no one should face bullying” over “who they are” or “who they love”.

How the Media Covered It: Media on the left, such as ABC News (Lean Left bias), showed that LQBTQ+ parents, their youth, and some healthcare providers said these restrictions would cause harm to transgender youths, making “an often marginalized group even more vulnerable.” Right- rated outlets were more focused on issues the changed definition could cause, such as loss of privacy for females as well as teachers and students being forced to recognize gender pronouns as opposed to an objective biological gender. 

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