Headline RoundupAugust 3rd, 2023

Full Transcript of Devon Archer House Testimony Released

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Following Devon Archer’s closed-door testimony to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee last week, lawmakers gave conflicting accounts of what was revealed. Now that a transcript of the testimony is available, what was revealed? 

The Phone Call: Initially after the testimony, Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) told reporters that Archer testified that Hunter Biden took a phone call with Joe Biden alongside other executives at Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company Hunter Biden worked for at the time, but that “none of those conversations ever had to do with any business dealings or transactions.” The transcript revealed that Archer did not hear the phone call in question. Archer also gave conflicting answers on whether he was certain the phone call was with then-Vice President Joe Biden. This uncertainty led a Washington Examiner (Lean Right bias) analysis to state that Archer’s testimony “suggests that deeper interactions may have taken place but that he is not the best witness to speak about them.”

“Bad for Burisma”: A Washington Post (Lean Left bias) analysis highlighted a claim from Republican lawmakers alleging that Hunter Biden used his connection to Joe Biden to remove a Ukrainian prosecutor supposedly causing problems for Burisma. The article cited portions of the transcript where Archer affirms a statement from Goldman that the prosecutor’s work was actually “good for Burisma” and the increased pressure placed on Ukraine by Joe Biden was “bad for Burisma,” contradicting the Republican claims. 

How the Media Covered It: Right-rated outlets are covering the transcript more heavily.

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