Headline RoundupJune 20th, 2024

House Freedom Caucus Chair Rep. Bob Good Faces Close Primary

Summary from the AllSides News Team

On Tuesday, House Freedom Caucus Chair Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) faced a primary that remains too close to call. His opponent, John McGuire, leads by 300 votes. 

For Context: Several Republicans campaigned against Good, who was key in ousting House Speaker Kevin McCarthy earlier this year. McGuire was backed by McCarthy and President Donald Trump. Good was backed by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL).

The Details: McGuire declared victory in a speech shortly before midnight on Tuesday, but the final results could take weeks to come in and may lead to a recount. 

Key Quotes: "This victory shows just how toxic Bob Good has been to the Republican Party," Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) said. “He represented, for many of us, what was wrong with this Congress, the dysfunction. And he was sort of part of the soul of it — the seed of all this dysfunction,” said Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE). Bob Good responded, "This race remains too close to call...We believe we can still prevail."

How the Media Covered It: The New York Post (Lean Right) and The Hill (Center) quoted McGuire's supporters more than Good's supporters and emphasized Trump's endorsement. Politico (Lean Left) said McGuire "prematurely declared victory," while The Post said Good "was adamant" that "he could still eke out a win in his bruising Virginia primary contest against state Sen. John McGuire, despite trailing by more than 300 votes," framing Good as overzealous. 

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