Headline RoundupJuly 30th, 2023

McConnell and Feinstein Episodes Spur Dialogue on US Gerontocracy

Summary from the AllSides News Team

On Wednesday, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) froze at a press conference, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) forgot how to vote, prompting media dialogue on the old age of several key U.S. representatives.

Time To Step Aside: An opinion for Los Angeles Times (Lean Left bias) emphasized the need for Feinstein and McConnell to step down from their posts, suggesting the two should use Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as their role model. It highlighted Feinstein’s intentions to step down after her current term expires and McConnell’s status as a party leader, making his would-be resignation more significant.

Age ≠ Ability: An opinion for Forbes (Center bias) said partisan ageist and ableist dialogue centered on older politicians is harmful. It argued age does not equal ability, and that setting an age limit for representatives would be logistically difficult. It said term limits won’t ensure a solution either, as Feinstein was elected to her most recent term well into her 80s, and that the current status quo of letting representatives decide when they are unfit to serve may be the best option.

Delusions Of Superiority: An opinion for Townhall (Right bias) mused over human desire for power, and the “mediocre, unfulfilled individuals,” whose “narcissism motivate(s) them to fanciful and never-ending delusions of superiority.” It criticized Democratic and Republic politicians, including Feinstein, McConnell, Pelosi, President Biden, and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) by name for clinging onto power for too long, and “destroying the country.” Like Forbes, the article argued term limits may not be too effective.

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