Headline RoundupJune 18th, 2024

Senators Press Boeing CEO Over Incidents, Safety Concerns

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations on Tuesday regarding concerns over the safety of Boeing planes. 

For Context: The hearing follows a tumultuous year for the plane manufacturer following a series of incidents involving Boeing planes, most notably in January when a Boeing 737 Max 9 operated by Alaska Airlines was forced to make an emergency landing after a cabin door broke away while in flight as a result of a loose door “plug.” The incident sparked concerns over the quality and safety of Boeing planes, which make up roughly two-thirds of all planes flying in the United States. Following the controversy, multiple whistleblowers have come forward critiquing the company’s safety protocols. In April, a Boeing engineer told the committee that Boeing was “taking manufacturing shortcuts on the 787 program that may significantly reduce the airplane’s safety and the life cycle.”

Key Quotes: Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) told Calhoun, “I think it’s a travesty that you’re still in your job.” Addressing the families of victims of two Boeing plane crashes in 2018 present at the hearing, Calhoun stated, “I want to personally apologize, on behalf of everyone at Boeing. We are deeply sorry for your losses. Nothing is more important than the safety of the people who step on board our airplanes.”

How the Media Covered It: Outlets across the spectrum covered the hearing, focusing coverage on the heated exchanges and enraged moments from the committee members.

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