Headline RoundupJune 28th, 2024

Deadly Unrest in Kenya Continues After President Withdraws Controversial Tax Bill

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Protests broke out in Kenya's capital Nairobi and throughout the country this week over a proposed bill to raise taxes, resulting in violent clashes and more than 20 deaths. 

The Details: After protesters attempted to overtake the parliament building on Tuesday, police opened fire, resulting in an estimated two dozen fatalities and numerous injuries. Despite Kenyan President William Ruto’s pledge not to sign the proposed tax bill, protests continued. While the Kenyan High Court ordered security forces to halt the firing of live rounds into crowds, it also approved the use of military force to restore order. On Friday, Kenyan activists called for Ruto's resignation and fresh protests; three more protesters reportedly died overnight on Friday.

For Context: The finance bill aims to raise an additional $2.7 billion in taxes to lighten Kenya's heavy debt load. It came as citizens were still grappling with economic impacts of recent crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic and a depreciating currency. While Al Jazeera (Lean Left bias) called the protesters a “diffuse and leaderless movement” — quoting a writer who described a focus on “the class and wealth disparity between politicians and ordinary people” — a Kenyan government spokesman told BBC News (Center bias) that he blamed “a very well choreographed campaign, both locally and internationally, to misinform and disinform people.”

How the Media Covered It: While coverage was generally common throughout the week, right-rated news websites were less likely to publish original coverage than left-rated outlets, a group that includes major international news organizations. This summary was developed with the help of AllSides' AI technology.

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