What John Fetterman Did Is Going to Drive Pro-Hamas Protesters Insane

Posted on AllSides November 10th, 2023
From The Right
Middle East, Israel Hamas Violence, US Senate,J ohn Fetterman
AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

It’s that time when some Democrats, with whom you don’t share anything politically, tend to surprise. On the Israel-Hamas war, Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) has been one of those people. He’s not shy about his views. As Israel’s war rages against Hamas, the Pennsylvania Democrat has plastered his office walls with the missing persons posters of those the terror group kidnapped during their vicious October 7 attacks that left 1,400 Israelis dead. 

It's caused some heartburn among progressive Democrats, but Fetterman is unmoved, namely because he’s not pro-terrorist. To shove it in...

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