Headline RoundupMay 13th, 2024

Trump Leads Biden in 5 Key Battleground States: NYT Poll

Summary from the AllSides News Team

According to a New York Times (Lean Left bias) poll, former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in five battleground states.

Key Details: The poll, which surveyed 4,097 registered voters, showed Trump leading in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, and Pennsylvania - battleground states that Biden won in 2020. As long as Biden does not lose any of the states he won four years ago, victories in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin would likely be enough for him to win re-election.

Key Quote: "Trump's strength is largely thanks to gains among young, Black and Hispanic voters," writes Nate Cohn, the Times' chief political analyst. Biden campaign pollster Geoff Garin said, "The only consistency in recent public polls is inconsistency. These results need to be weighed against the 30-plus polls that show Biden up and gaining,"

For Context: Economic issues, immigration, and the Israel-Hamas war have caused dissatisfaction among many voters.

How the Media Covered it: Some sources on the left noted an erosion of support for Biden among minority voters and young voters who are upset about the economy and Gaza. The New York Post (Lean Right bias) noted that many voters polled thought Trump would be the candidate to drive much-needed change, though many of them admitted that they dislike Trump.

Update 05/17/24 4:53pm ET: Previous version incorrectly said the number of registered voters surveyed was "4,97" instead of 4,097.

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