Headline RoundupJuly 25th, 2024

Anti-Netanyahu Protests Draw Widely Varying News Coverage

Summary from the AllSides News Team

As media flocked to the large protests in Washington D.C. against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress on Wednesday, many partisan differences emerged in the coverage.

Colorful Labels: Left and center outlets called them “protesters,” “demonstrators,” and “crowds.” Right outlets called them “agitators” and “infiltrators.”

Provocative Language: Right outlets and CNN (Lean Left bias) covered protesters spray painting “Hamas is coming” on a memorial to Christopher Columbus. Fox News (Right) highlighted that chants of “allahu akbar” were heard, and signs were seen that called Netanyahu a “war criminal.” Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) also held such a sign during Netanyahu’s address to Congress.

Clashes with Police: Washington Post (Lean Left) cast instances of violence as rare and scrupulously counted them: “Though most demonstrators walked and chanted peacefully, there were some clashes with law enforcement, and D.C. and Capitol Police said they arrested 15 people in total. The U.S. Park Police arrested eight people.” Right outlets attributed violent actions to the protesters as a group.

Flags and Maggots: Fox covered beat-for-beat the replacement of American with Palestinian flags at Union Station; Breitbart (Right) featured a man who ran in to save a burning American flag. USA Today (Lean Left) noted that “at least one” flag was burned and “authorities removed” the replacement Palestinian flags. Guardian (Lean Left) did not mention the removal or burning of American flags. New York Post (Lean Right) and The Hill (Center) covered maggots and crickets released in the Israeli delegation’s hotel.

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