Headline RoundupJuly 31st, 2024

Senate Passes Online Safety Bills in Bipartisan 91-3 Vote

Summary from the AllSides News Team

On Tuesday, with a vote of 91-3, the Senate passed the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) and the Children and Teens Online Privacy Act (COPPA).

The Details: KOSA legislation aims to protect minors from exposure to content that may promote harmful ideas and spells out instructions for social media platforms. COPPA focuses more on online advertising, detailing how minors must be shielded from data harvesting, targeting, and tracking without consent.

For Context: The legislation passed the Senate, meaning it moves to the House for a vote next. Online safety is not a new concept, with another bill called the American Data Privacy and Protection Act created by House lawmakers laying out privacy protections for all consumers, not just minors.

Against the Legislation: Not everyone supports the bills, as evidenced by the three opposing senators, who all agreed the legislation does not do enough to protect children online, but rather opens the door for censoring political and religious ideologies, or whatever the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) disagrees with.

How the Media Covered It: Outlets on the right, such as Fox News (Right bias), tended to highlight commentary explaining the bill doesn’t do enough while also voicing concerns over 1st Amendment rights. Left outlets mostly highlighted the majority vote in the Senate, showing pressure is now on the House Republicans, while also showing concerns over LGBTQ+ censorship.

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