Headline RoundupMay 12th, 2024

Russia Makes Gains in Kharkiv, Stretching Ukraine’s Defensive Efforts From Donbas

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Russian forces have captured several villages in Kharkiv Oblast as Ukraine’s forces are stretched away from Moscow’s main offensive in Donbas.

The Details: Per CNN (Lean Left bias), American experts believe Russia has about 50,000 troops in the region. Residents were evacuated from several villages, but Kharkiv city, Ukraine’s second-largest city and home to over 1.3 million people, has not been evacuated yet. Ukraine’s forces are fighting to repel the attack, and its officials do not believe Russia poses an imminent danger to Kharkiv city.

For Context: Russia previously occupied much of Kharkiv Oblast from February 2022 to September 2022 when Ukrainian counteroffensive efforts repelled its forces from most of the province. Over the last 18 months, most of Russia’s offensive has been centered on grueling combat in the Donbas where it’s been making slow but steady gains. On Sunday morning, Ukrainian missile strikes reportedly killed seven and injured 17 just over the border in Belgorod, Russia.

Key Quote: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said, “We are sending more troops to the Kharkiv sector. Both along our state border and along the entire front line, we will… disrupt any Russian offensive intentions.”

How The Media Covered It: The story was more widely covered by the Left and Center, as is often common with international stores. CNN’s analysis framed the attacks through a currently grim outlook for Ukraine that includes shortages of weapons and soldiers as Russia is able to exploit its weaknesses.

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