Headline RoundupAugust 26th, 2024

US Marks Third Anniversary of Kabul Airport Attack

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Today is the third anniversary of the suicide bombing at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, which killed 13 U.S. service members, during the Biden administration's withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Today: President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and former President Trump all issued statements about the attack. Trump also visited Arlington National Cemetery with the families of some of the service members.

What Did the Biden Administration Know?: A non-profit watchdog, the Functional Government Initiative, submitted a Freedom of Information Act request, revealing some internal memos from the withdrawal. Just the News (Lean Right bias) noted that then-DOD Undersecretary of Communications John Kirby "used the words 'chaos' or 'chaotic' more than two dozen times [in Pentagon emails]." A report emailed to Kirby ten days before the bombing referenced "'breaches' and 'flightline insecurity' at the airport that resulted in the exchange of gunfire."

How the Media Covered It: Some on the right highlighted Trump's cemetery visit and noted Biden and Harris' absence. The Daily Wire (Right) highlighted the emails with a headline saying the "Biden Admin Was Aware Of The ‘Chaos’ That Led To [The Attack]." Others framed headlines around Harris. The Associated Press (Lean Left) headline said "Trump tries to connect Harris to the chaotic Afghanistan War withdrawal." Outlets on the left and center choosing not to mention the emails is bias by omission. Outlets on the left focusing on Trump's comments toward Harris is slant. Right-rated outlets also showed slant by focusing on Trump "honoring fallen heroes."

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