Headline RoundupJune 5th, 2024

Did Biden's Border Executive Order Increase His Reelection Chances?

Summary from the AllSides News Team

What impact will President Joe Biden’s recent executive order restricting asylum claims have on the southern border and the 2024 presidential election? 

From the Left: In the New York Times Opinion (Left bias) a former immigration policy adviser for President Barack Obama and President George W. Bush argued that Biden “is falling into the trap of believing that the only way to counter Republican criticism and appeal to voters for whom immigration is a top concern is to restrict asylum even further.” Biden’s decision will not curb unauthorized immigration, but will instead “likely push people to cross at more dangerous areas along the border.” Instead of recycling old border security tactics, the writer argued that Biden should “lead his party back to a time when fighting for the undocumented was a major policy priority alongside border security.”

From the Right: Noah Rothman (Lean Right bias) argued that Biden ignored the “obviousness of the crisis” at the southern border up until now out of “fear of progressive criticism.” Deeming Biden’s executive order a cynical political move, Rothman determined, “the president’s fondest hope that a display of theatrical gestures in the general direction of the border crisis repairs some of the damage to his brand among moderate and independent voters while eventually culminating in a court injunction that would mollify progressives.” Rothman concluded, “Just like every other foreign crisis this president has overseen, Biden’s addiction to half-measures has made his circumstances — and ours — worse.”

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